.CO Internet: One Founder’s Surprising Recovery After Going Belly Up – with Juan Diego Calle

Juan Diego Calle, .CO Internet S.A.S., Comeback

How does a founder whose company goes belly up, recover and launch a business that powers over a million Web sites?

Juan Diego Calle is the founder of .CO Internet, the registry operator for the .CO top level domain.

His company is behind Twitter’s URL shortener, T.co, and Overstock’s new URL, O.co, and over a million other URLs that end in .co.

Juan Diego Calle

.CO Internet S.A.S.

Juan Diego Calle is the founder of .CO Internet S.A.S., the registry operator for the .CO top level domain.


Andrew: In this interview you’re going to see how a upstart made a $1.5

billion company. If you still think that the little guy can’t win, wait

till you hear that part. And you’re going to see how a three stage launch

helped generate excitement. You probably were swept up in this excitement

in this interview you’re going to find out why and how you got that swept

up so that when you’re trying to launch something you can do something

equally massive to create that kind of buzz for your launch and I hope

we’re going to get to hear the story of how Playboy Magazine helped today’s

entrepreneur become an entrepreneur back when he was in catholic school. I

don’t know if he even knows I’m going to ask him that question. All that

and so much more in this interview, stay tuned.

Three messages before we get started. If you’re a tech entrepreneur...

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