Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of, home of the ambitious upstart. And in this interview my goal is to figure out how to build a profitable community. In fact, how to build a community at all? It’s one of the hardest things to do online, it feels like. And to figure out how to do it I’ve got one of the original Mixergy fans. The guy who’s got over 290,000 members in his community. He’s been building this community for years.
I know because over five years ago he sent me an email asking to be interviewed here and, for some reason, we didn’t make it happen. His community is free, but members can pay to upgrade. He’s a great person for me to learn from. His name is Joshua Dorkin. He is the founder of, which helps people learn how to invest in real estate. He also runs a podcast, which allows anyone to learn how to invest in real estate and to hear from those...