How talking to every customer helped build a $250K/yr startup – with Josh Pigford

Josh Pigford, Baremetrics, Consulting, Customer Acquisition, Mixergy Fan, SaaS (software as a service), Sell Your Business
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A few weeks ago, I wanted to know how long my customers were staying subscribed to Mixergy Premium and data like that, so I signed up for Baremetrics.

After I signed up, I got an email from the founder asking if I wanted to jump on a call so he could show me how to use Baremetrics to grow my business.

I was so impressive by what happened on the call that I invited the founder to come onto Mixergy. Josh Pigford is a Mixergy fan and the founder of Baremetrics which provides analytics and metrics for Stripe.

He’s here to talk about how he built his business and how calls like ours grow his company.

Josh Pigford

Josh Pigford


Josh Pigford is a Mixergy fan and the founder of Baremetrics which provides analytics and metrics for Stripe.

Andrew: Hey there freedom fighters, my name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of, home of the ambitious upstart. And a few weeks ago I wanted to learn how long my members were staying subscribed to Mixergy Premium and what a new customer of Mixergy is worth to me. You know, the kind of data, the kind of stuff that you think is essential to business and should be there, but I didn’t have for a long time.

So I signed up to Baremetrics, and after I did that I got an email from the founder asking me if I wanted to jump on the call. Basically he was offering to show me how to use Baremetrics to grow my business. So I took advantage of that call, and by the end of it I was so impressed with Baremetrics and so impressed with the call that I said, “Josh, you’ve got to come on here and talk about how you use calls like that to help keep your customers longer, reduce your churn, and have them love the product as much as I do.

He said yes,...

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