How a frat boy who got sued for his first business built a $3M company selling snacks – with Joseph Winke

Joseph Winke, Healthy Surprise, Customer Acquisition, eCommerce, Food, Legal, Lifestyle Business, Physical Product, Subscription (Membership) Model

Today I’ve got Joseph Winke. He’s the founder of Healthy Surprise.

Get this. Here’s the idea behind the business: You help the healthy person who cares about the ingredients in food. You sign up for a subscription on his site and he ships you healthy food as a surprise.

He also has another group of customers: corporate buyers give out those boxes as gifts. I invited him here to tell us how he got his first customer and how he’s grown it to $50,000 a month in revenue.

Joseph Winke

Healthy Surprise

Joseph Winke is the founder and chief snackologist at Healthy Surprise which offers snack mood made from real food with only the best ingredients.


Andrew: Hey, there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I am the founder of, and the guy who wrestles with technology. Today, after about an hour of working with today’s guest, I’m proud to tell you that I’ve got Joseph Winke on. He is the founder of Healthy Surprise.

Get this. Here’s the idea behind the business: You help the healthy person who cares about the ingredients in food. You sign up for a subscription on his site and he ships you healthy food as a surprise each… I was going to say each month, but you can pick the interval.

In addition to that, he also has another group of customers who are corporate buyers who just buy it and give out those boxes as gifts. I invited him here to tell the story of how he did, to find out where exactly in the world he is. I think the background is beautiful and I want to talk about that, and hopefully he will tell us about the revenue and lots of little details like...

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