How a Mixergy fan built a profitable e-commerce site – with Jordan Gal

Jordan Gal, CartHook, eCommerce, Mixergy Fan, Physical Product, Sell Your Business, Subscription (Membership) Model, System

How did a Mixergy fan build a profitable e-commerce site?

Jordan Gal built and sold YCA Shops, a collection of stores that sold niche products like solar lights and hammocks.

Today he runs CartHook, which automatically turns your abandoned carts into paying customers for online stores.

Jordan Gal


Jordan Gal is the founder of CartHook, which automatically turns your abandoned carts into paying customers.


Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I am founder of, home of the ambitious upstart and in this interview we’re going to find out how a Mixergy fan built a profitable e-commerce site and sold. Jordan Gal is the founder. Actually you’re not the founder but we’re going to talk about that in a moment. But he ran YCA Shops with his two brothers. YCA was a collection of stores that sold niche products like solar lights and hammocks.

We’ll find out about what happened there and we’ll ask him about his current company Carthook, which automatically turns your abandoned carts into paying customers; e-commerce stores you need to take a look at it, All right before we officially start, I have to say that this interview is sponsored by I had a problem that maybe you in the audience can identify with. People were coming to my site and then they were disappearing. I didn’t...

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