Marathon Series: Maria Paz Gillet’s Jooycar is the sexy new version of car insurance in Chile

Maria Paz Gillet, Jooycar, Bootstrapping, Customer Acquisition, International Founders, Women Founders

How do you get customers on board for a revolutionary product before you have even created the product?

Maria Paz Gillet is the Founder of Jooycar which gives clients the ability to get real-time data from vehicles.

Maria saw the need for “pay for usage” car insurance in Chile and sold the idea to customers before creating Jooycar.

Maria Paz Gillet


Maria Paz Gillet is the Founder of Jooycar which gives clients the ability to get real-time data from vehicles.

Andrew: Hey, there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses for an audience of real entrepreneurs, people who are building companies or aspiring to build companies. And I’ve flown to Santiago Chile to come and interview entrepreneurs here about how they did it.

And there’s an entrepreneur who, I don’t know if you remember, Maria, but you’ve turned us down, and then I read a book called “Crossing Borders” about venture capital in Latin America. And your story was in it. And I said, “I’ve got to have her on.” And I basically said, “Please, how do we do it?” I asked Nathan, the venture capitalist from Magma Partners who wrote that book, “Please, introduce me.” And the reason I wanted to meet you is because you had a failure.

I don’t know if it’s something you guys are...

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