How a tech-savvy immigrant built a $100 million company (After being $270,000 in debt) – with John “Ivo” Stivoric

John "Ivo" Stivoric, BodyMedia, eCommerce, Mental Game, Sell Your Business, System

When everyone around you seems to be failing and the world is depressing, do you give up or keep going?

John “Ivo” Stivoric founded his company, BodyMedia, before the 1999 .com crash. BodyMedia is a pioneer in wearable computers, and is often mentioned as a catalyst for the movement.

John took the company from $270,000 in debt, to a reported $100 million sale to Jawbone in April 2013.

He grew the company by doing field-usability testing with the U.S marines, and landing partnerships that got his product in national fitness chains, Walgreens, Best Buy, Target, Amazon, etc.

Watch the interview to learn how.

John "Ivo" Stivoric


John “Ivo” Stivoric is the CTO and Co-founder of BodyMedia which is an on-body monitoring system that records information about your body.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner and I’m the founder of – home of the ambitious upstart. And home of the guy that takes your feedback very seriously. I remember you guys are telling me that I need to raise my volume. So I’ll get the mic really close to me today. And I want to start off by asking you, honestly, when things fell around you, when the world feels depressing, at that point, do you instinctively give up? Or do you instinctively fight?

We’re going to find out in this interview how today’s interviewee fought. And I should tell you that this interview is sponsored by Scott Edward Walker of Walker Corporate Law. I’m going to hold up his mug during this interview. But I’ll tell you more about him later. Now I want to tell you about the interviewee.

Today’s guest is John Stivoric. He is the founder of Body Media, makers of a wearable device that monitors your body. He...

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