Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I am the founder of, home of the ambitious upstart.
Today’s guest is smiling a little bit because he’s heard this before. He’s a Mixergy fan who says he used to run a consulting company and it’s a drag doing coding work for clients. It’s a drag, especially when they’re a little tough to work with. You’ll hear some of his stories here.
Today, he’s moved on. He’s running a business that teaches coding skills and he loves it. The company is profitable in the process. John Azzi is the founder of BitFountain. They offer iOS and Android development and design courses. We’ll talk about how he built it and how he made the transition from doing coding for others to teaching how to do it.
It’s all thanks to my sponsor, Toptal. If you need some coding work done, if you’re not a developer, maybe you have a team of developers...