Jeff: Yeah.
Andrew: Hey, before we officially get into this–I’ve been lately posting even the parts before the interview starts, but we don’t have to–before we officially get into it, I’m wondering if now is the right time in your business’ history for us to do this interview.
Jeff: I think so. I think we’re at a really good point. So, you know, we originally attempted to schedule this a couple months ago.
Andrew: Yes.
Jeff: And I sort of cancelled last minute. That was a time where it probably wasn’t the right time to do an interview.
Andrew: Why? What was going on?
Jeff: So, I imagine we’re on the record right now, right?
Andrew: You want to keep it off the record?
Jeff: No, either way, I’m an open book.
Andrew: Okay. So, what happened?
Jeff: So, I guess it’s potentially not unique to us. So I started this company and moved out to San...