Andrew: Hey, there freedom fighters. My name’s Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of, home of the ambitious up start and joining me today is a founder who tried a bunch of ideas and finally found something that’s really working for him. His name is Jeet Banerjee. He is the founder of Visionary Media Group, a publishing company that creates mobile apps, e- books, and courses, and guy who wears a really great shirt. Look at us. Perfectly matched.
This interview and the shirt that I’m wearing and everything else involved here is sponsored by Scott Edward Walker of Walker Corporate Law. Later on I will tell you why if your entrepreneur who’s about to sell his company, or about to launch a company, or about to buy a company and you’re looking for a lawyer, Scott, is the guy to talk to. I’ll tell you why you should go to later in the interview. First, I got to meet Jeet. Jeet, welcome.
Jeet: Hey,...