How Did The Guy Who Wanted To Teach People How To Get Rich Ever Get Rich Himself? – with JD Roth

JD Roth,, Content, Educational Company, Sell Your Business
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How did the guy who wanted to teach people how to get rich ever get rich himself?

JD Roth is the founder of, a personal finance blog that he started when he was having trouble with his finances.

A few years later, he sold the site.

JD Roth is the founder of, a personal finance blog that he started when he was having trouble with his finances.


Andrew: Hey there freedom fighters. I am Andrew Warner. I am the founder of, home of the ambitious upstart. You know what? I say over and over, hey there freedom fighters, and I call my audience that so much. I wonder if anyone even pays attention to it anymore because it’s just part of the program.

I want to tell you why I say that. The idea that my audience is freedom fighters first came to me when I was living in Argentina, home of Che Guevara. Everyone in the US at the time was wearing a Che Guevara tee shirt. Who did the Argentines admire? Who are they looking to to save them? It wasn’t Che anymore, whose home country was Argentina.

It was entrepreneurs like the people I was interviewing on Mixergy. It was people who were going to free them from their location in the world, from their financial issues and political issues, and free them by getting them out of it through technology and through ideas. We are the freedom fighters both for...

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