Marathon Series: Rod Bishop’s Jayride is the e-commerce marketplace for traveler transportation

Rod Bishop, Jayride, Marketplace

Every traveler is different and every trip is different. There’s no one ground transportation solution to fit everyone. Where do you go to find the best solution for you?

Rod Bishop is Co-Founder and Managing Director of Jayride which provides seamless transport experiences for travelers by allowing them to compare and book ground transfers around the world.

Jayride reimagines ground transportation by offering an e-commerce marketplace solution for travelers where they can comparison shop just like they do for flights and hotels.

Rod Bishop


Rod Bishop is Co-Founder and Managing Director of Jayride which provides seamless transport experiences for travelers by allowing them to compare and book ground transfers around the world.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. I usually, Rod, do it from an office in San Francisco, really comfortable. I got my whole setup, double monitor, everything. You say something or our guest says something. I could research them in real time. Nobody knows it. It’s great. It’s comfortable.

The problem is I don’t get to see a lot of companies that are outside the U.S., specifically Australia. I feel like Australia and Asia are really tough because of the time zone for me. And so I decided this year, I’m going to get on a plane and I’m going to travel all over the world and do interviews everywhere. And I’m here in Sydney, because when I was thinking where in Australia to go do interviews, the top place seems to be Sydney. I kept hearing that. Is that right? Is this where the startup ecosystem is?


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