How to nurture brand loyalty through Amazon

Raj Jana, Java Presse, Brand (branding), eCommerce, Failure, Physical Product, Selling 1-on-1, System

I usually interview tech entrepreneurs about how they built their software companies. Today’s guest tried that and it didn’t work. Now he’s selling the opposite of technology. He’s selling hand grinders.

Raj Jana is the founder of JavaPresse, a coffee company dedicated to helping consumers enjoy the perfect cup of coffee.

We’ll find out how successful this business is, how he got where he is today, and what’s working and what’s not. I think it’s especially useful for anyone who is in ecommerce.

Raj Jana

Java Presse

Raj Jana is the founder of JavaPresse, a coffee company dedicated to helping consumers enjoy the perfect cup of coffee.

Andrew: Hey, everyone. My name is Andrew Warner and I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses, and usually it’s with tech entrepreneurs who build software companies. Today’s guest tried that and it didn’t work. And so get what he’s selling now, at the opposite of technology. He’s selling hand grinders. Is that what they’re called, Raj?

Raj: That’s exactly what they’re called, Andrew.

Andrew: You know what, I went on vacation with a friend of mine from high school. He’s a foodie. He brought with him a hand grinder for the coffee beans. I was exhausted in the morning, half asleep, and I had to hand-crank my own coffee. It was pretty cool, but man, that’s a lot of work. And this, this ancient bit of technology is what has propelled Raj’s company into greatness, stardom. You’re doing well. You’re doing well. We won’t talk...

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