IWearYourShirt.com Wants To Sell Ad Space On YOUR Shirt – with Jason Sadler

Jason Sadler, I Wear Your Shirt, B2B, Hiring, Social Media

Seems Jason Sadler is slowly building I Wear Your Shirt into an ad network where companies buy ads on tshirts worn by social networking mavens.

Jason was incredibly open about the money he’s earning and paying out in this business. (I don’t know why he lets me ask some of the questions I whipped out in this interview, but I’m incredibly grateful that he does.)

In summary, it started out as just him in 2009. In 2010, he recruited a friend who got paid to wear shirts. And in 2011, he’s growing to 5 people. If you want to join him, click here. If you want to learn how he’s doing it, grab the interview!

Jason Sadler

I Wear Your Shirt

Jason Sadler is the founder of I Wear Your Shirt, a site where companies pay to have their shirts worn on social media sites like Twitter, Ustream and YouTube.


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Next sponsor is SuperConf where I’ll be speaking on February 25th and February 26th. Come watch me and the guys behind Blippy, Wufoo, Grasshopper and other successful internet companies, live. Also, SuperConf is where mind-blowing startups will launched. If you come, e-mail me so we can meet up in person and I can introduce you to some of the speakers and the guests and hopefully we can have a drink together. SuperConf.net, that’s where you want to go.

Finally, Scott Edward...

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