Andrew: This interview is sponsored by Fireside Conference, a conference I’ll be attending soon and urge you to come join me at. And it’s sponsored by Toptal, the company that helped remake Mixergy’s website. I’ll tell you more about them later, let’s start the program.
Hey, everyone. My name is Andrew Warner, the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. And as you can see if you’re watching the video, and I know more and more people are listening to the audio, not the video. But if you’re one of the people who’s watching the video, you’ll see that I’m in a new studio here today. That’s because I’m in the This Week in Startups studio. When I’m not listening to my own podcast, I’m listening and absorbing This Week in Startups. So I’m actually excited to be in here and get a sense of how this is recorded.
I’m here to record...