“How We BootStrapped PadPressed To Our First 10k In Sales” – with Jason L Baptiste

Jason L. Baptiste, PadPressed, Bootstrapping, First 10K, PR / Media Marketing

How do you get your first $10,000 in sales with a part-time project and a “ghetto launch”? That’s what I invited Jason Baptiste to teach.

He launched PadPressed, which enables blogs and other publications to automatically make their content iPad friendly. What you’ll hear in this program is how he developed his idea, why he insisted on an imperfect launch, how he got coverage for his new product, and the exact tools he uses to get customers to pay.

Jason L. Baptiste


Jason L. Baptiste is the co-founder of PadPressed, which allows publishers to take their content and make it beautifully formatted for the iPad without the need to go through the app store. He’s also the co-founder of Cloudomatic which helps businesses and individuals discover Software as a Service (SaaS) applications.


Andrew Warner: Three messages before we get started. If you’re a tech entrepreneur, don’t you have unique legal needs that the average lawyer can’t help you with? That’s why you need Scott Edward Walker of Walker Corporate Law. If you read his articles on VentureBeat, you know that he can help you with issues like raising money or issuing stock options or even deciding whether to form a corporation. Scott Edward Walker is the entrepreneur’s lawyer. See him at WalkerCorporateLaw.com.

Do you remember when I interviewed Sara Sutton Fell about how thousands of people pay for her job site? Look at the biggest point that she made. She said that she has a phone number on every page of her site because, and here’s a stat, 95% of the people who call end up buying. Most people, though, don’t call her but seeing a real number increases their confidence in her and they buy. Try this. Go to Grasshopper.com and get a phone number that will make...

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