Andrew: Hey, everyone. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of It’s the place where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. My goal here is to go outside of the Silicon Valley stuff that you hear over and over again, the same companies that you hear and see, and talk about. And to introduce you to companies that you wouldn’t have known about otherwise, so that you can open your eyes to a new way of doing business. You can learn from them, and then bring back their ideas to your company, grow it, and hopefully I’ll have the honor of one time getting to interview you. Having you here to talk about what you learned and what you built, so that you can pass it on to other people in the Mixergy audience.
Joining me today is an entrepreneur named Elizabeth Dukes. She is the co-founder of iOffice Corp. They offer innovative facilities management solutions. Bet you didn’t know that. We’re going to talk...