Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. You know me. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses, and where I do tend to talk very fast and very loud and I am a little bit pushy.
David Lloyd is a little quieter today than usual. Right?
David: Slightly, feeling a bit under the weather.s
Andrew: And he is surrounded by people who are even quieter than he is and more easygoing than you are, is what you told me about the Chilean culture.
David: I would say that’s accurate.
Andrew: I feel like you’ve been influenced by them a little bit. And I wonder how our energy levels will be in this interview. What I found about myself is, David, I tend to, and this is what makes me a good conversationalist, I tend to mimic where people are and sometimes bring them where I want them to go. And you can go back and listen to interviews where I am quiet all of the sudden,...