The “Indiana Jones” Of International Finance Talks About His Adventures – With Robert P Smith

Robert P Smith, Lifestyle Business
Get the whole interview here

This is an audio interview.

Robert P Smith was bored being a collections lawyer. He wanted to live an adventurous life and do work he could feel passionate about. So when found an opportunity to create a new finance company that allowed him to travel the world and trade debt, he jumped on it.

I invited Robert to Mixergy to talk about how he built his business and what he learned.

I need to be upfront with you and tell you that my connection on this interview wasn’t very good. It was my first interview from Buenos Aires and the office here hadn’t yet set up my lines properly. If you really want to get into the stories of Robert’s adventures, I recommend getting his book, Riches Among the Ruins.

Robert P Smith

Robert P Smith

Robert P Smith is the founder and managing director of the Boston-based Turan Corporation, which specializes in trading emerging market sovereign debt and evaluating creditor claims against foreign governments. He is also the author of Riches Among the Ruins.


Full program includes

– How Robert discovered and created the job of his dreams.

– A story about two Brits who were rescued by the cops and the surprising thing the police did to them after.

– A pretty bad phone connection. (Really, you should get Robert’s book instead.)

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