Million Dollar Company You Could’ve Built

Yaro Starak, InboxDone, Service

Yaro Starak had a problem we all experienced: too much email. It was important, but it also kept him from doing real work. So he hired an assistant to answer his email. It’s a bit scary to pass your inbox to someone else, but it worked. The weight was lifted. He was more productive.

So he decided to try offering it as a service. This is the story of how that service went from idea to million dollar a year business called InboxDone.

Yaro Starak


InboxDone is a service where virtual executive assistants can answer your email with the same tone and approach you would and get you to inbox zero.

Andrew Warner: hey there, Freedom Fighters. You know me. I’m Andrew Warner, your friend who goes out and finds his friends who’ve done well in business and then brings them on here to talk about how they did it. And joining me is an old friend of mine, Yaro Starak. And he created this business that looks so simple that I want to understand it because I think there are other businesses that could be created like it.

Yarrow created a company called Inbox Done. You know how you have a busy inbox and it’s challenging? Well, think about an executive or an entrepreneur who’s growing a business and how maddening their inbox is. He created a service where an outsourced virtual assistant can handle their inbox and make it a lot easier for him.

And then he added more and more features to it like calendar is a nice obvious extension and others And when I first saw him come out with this business, I thought It’s a little late for this has this...

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