How Iconfinder founder Martin LeBlanc built a marketplace for icons

Martin LeBlanc, Iconfinder, European Founder, International Founders, Marketplace, Scaling

There was a day where I needed an icon for Mixergy so I Googled how to find one and that’s when I saw Iconfinder.

I bought the icon I needed and it was so freaking easy. And it was just $1.

I finally realized I knew who the founder was—I had been emailing with him since 2009.

Today I’m proud to have him on because his business just keeps growing and growing.

Martin LeBlanc is the founder of Iconfinder, the largest collection of premium icons.

Martin LeBlanc


Martin LeBlanc is the founder of Iconfinder, the largest collection of premium icons.

Andrew: Hey, everyone. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy and I’m so freaking excited to have this interview for you.

You see, when I was doing Mixergy in the beginning, I saw this guy who subscribed to the mailing list back when I could see every single person who subscribed to the mailing list, who commented on the site, who emailed me from time to time, who became a premium member, who was just a part of the Mixergy community.

And he ran a company called Iconfinder. I got to know him better than I got to know his company. Then one day–and I got to know the way he thought by seeing his feedback, his comments, etc. Then one day, I needed an icon for Mixergy. I think we were creating a new side panel for the membership area.

So I Googled a way to do it and I found Iconfinder and I said, “This sounds familiar,” but I was moving so fast that I didn’t even make the connection to the guy that I knew. I...

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