Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of, home of the ambitious upstart.
You know, the goal here at Mixergy is for to interview the most successful entrepreneurs that I can and bring their stories to you so you can learn from them build a great company yourself and hopefully, not just hopefully but based on my experience, you will come back here and do an interview and allow me to help you share your story with other entrepreneurs, basically completing he circle of Mixergy. I want to help you with these interviews and then I want you to come back here and do an interview and help my audience of entrepreneurs.
So, joining me today is an entrepreneur who is solving a giant problem for businesses and as a result, he’s built a successful company himself. His name is Ian Crosby. He is the founder of Bench. They take all the bookkeeping off your hands and give you clean financials in return. I invited him...