How to go from 0 to 75K subscribers in 6 months – with Sam Parr

Sam Parr, Hustle Con, Content, First 10K, Non-Tech, Scaling, Subscription (Membership) Model

I’ll let you guys in on a little secret–one of the reasons why I ask great questions here on Mixergy is before I get the guest on, I often ask their friends, I ask their competitors, I ask people in the audience “What do you want to know about this guy? What should I be asking?”

So, at a conference one year, I said, “I need people to help me ask more questions of the audience.” So, I tweeted out for help and one of the people who responded is the guy you’re about to meet today.

Sam Parr is the founder of The Hustle. It’s a sort of like a combination of Vice and Fast Company. He’s also the producer of Hustle Con, which is a conference for non-tech founders.

I saw a post recently where he said that his company got $500,000 and they were going to be reckless with it and they wanted the world to experience that recklessness. I invited him here to talk about what he did with that money and more importantly how he earned that money.

Sam Parr

Hustle Con

Sam Parr is the founder of The Hustle. It’s a sort of like a combination of Vice and Fast Company. He’s also the producer of Hustle Con, which is a conference for non-tech founders.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of It is, of course, home of the ambitious upstart. You know, the guest I’m about to introduce you to is someone that I met when I was going to do interviews at a conference.

I’ll let you guys in on a little secret–one of the reasons why I ask great questions when I do conferences frankly even here on Mixergy is before I get the guest on, I often will ask their friends, I ask people in the audience, I ask people who are competitors of theirs, “What do you want to know about this guy? What should I be asking?” So, at conferences, I would often fan out and talk to every single person I could and take notes on what they came to the conference for, what they want to know, etc.

And then one year when Jason Calacanis invited me to do a bunch of interviews at his conference, I said, “I think I need help. I need people to help me ask more...

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