How the “My First Million” made his fastest money

Shaan Puri, My First Million & The Milk Road, Content, Cryptocurrency, Marketing

Shaan Puri was exceptional at doing the Silicon Valley thing.

Still, he says his newsletter was the fastest way he’s ever made money.

Within a year of its creation, The Milk Road grew to 250k readers and a reported 8-figure exit.

Shaan Puri is perhaps most famous for co-hosting the My First Million podcast with Sam Parr, which has garnered over 200 million YouTube views since it started in 2019.

Some of his additional projects include Bebo (sold to Twitch in 2019), Blab (live-streaming service with ~4 million users), a venture fund, and his newsletter The Milk Road (250K readers in <1 year).


Shaan Puri: Hey there, Freedom Fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. Joining me is someone who I’ve watched now for years, Shaan Puri, and I’ve listened to him for years, [00:00:09] like many of you have on My First Million. And the thing that I always felt about Sean is That he was like this Silicon Valley wannabe guy, that he really dove into this [00:00:18] world.

Andrew Warner: He’s nodding, so I’m not being a jerk by saying this. He dove into the world in a way that’s so frickin admirable. He knew the right people, he worked with them, he raised money. I remember when I was talking to [00:00:27] Naval about something. I was fact checking one of my other interviews. And Naval said to me, by the way, did you see what Sean is doing?

I go, know what? He’s one of the first people to do a rolling fund. And he...

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