How Influenster is on pace to hit $18M seven years after launch

Elizabeth Scherle & Aydin Acar, Influenster, Bootstrapping, Brand (branding), eCommerce, Scaling, Social Media

How did a review site grow so fast that it will hit $18M seven years after launching?

Elizabeth Scherle and Aydin Acar are the founders of Influenster which is an app that has millions of product reviews that allow people to like learn and talk about products.

Influenster had $11M in revenue in 2016 and is on the fast-track towards $18M for 2017.

Elizabeth Scherle & Aydin Acar


Elizabeth Scherle and Aydin Acar are the founders of Influenster which is an app that has millions of product reviews that allow people to like learn and talk about products.

Andrew: Hey, everyone. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I do interviews with entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses.

There is a developer/entrepreneur who’s really well-known in the tech space whose, Twitter bio just says just one word, influencer. It’s his way of kind of making fun of this whole influencer world, where everyone is supposedly an influencer and they all get ad revenue. He’s kind of a cynic that way. It’s easy to laugh this stuff off. What I think is more interesting is to say we are in a world where I’m not as influenced by what — I’m trying to think of even a celebrity name. I can’t even think of them.

I’m not as influenced by what these movie stars are trying to do, but frankly, if a guy like Casey Neistat carries a specific phone, I’m much more aware of it. If he does something to his hair, I’m much more interested in it, and I’m...

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