How Do You Get Users And How Do You Turn Them Into Evangelists – with Dmitry Dragilev

Dmitry Dragilev, ZURB, B2B, Consulting, Customer Acquisition, PR / Media Marketing, Traffic
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Dmitry Dragilev of ZURB knows who I sleep with, where I live and what I care about.

He says doing this kind of homework on bloggers helped him get articles in Smashing Magazine — which led to his company’s biggest day of traffic in the 10+ years they’ve been in business — and on TechCrunch — which became his company’s biggest source of customer leads.

In this interview, you’ll learn his tactics for getting users — and how he converts those users to evangelists.

Dmitry Dragilev

Dmitry Dragilev


Dmitry Dragilev is the Marketing Lead at ZURB an interaction design firm which helps people design better products & services for people through consulting, their own products, tutorials, writing, training and events. Since 1998 ZURB has helped over 100 clients including: Facebook, eBay, Yahoo, NYSE, Zazzle, Playlist, Britney Spears among others.


Andrew: Before we get started, have you seen articles like this on TechCrunch about companies that were launched by start-ups who joined The Founder Institute? Well, The Founder Institute is accepting applications right now and I want to encourage you to apply right now before it’s too late on The Founder Institute is a technology start-up accelerator, an entrepreneur training program that launches companies in 13 cities worldwide.

What do you get if you’re in the Founder Institute? Training, mentorship, help getting investors, and just about everything else you need to get a start-up launched properly. Go apply right now before it’s too late.

And do you remember Patrick Buckley, who I interviewed? He came up with an idea for an iPad case, and then he built a store to sell it, and in a few months he generated about a million dollars in sales. Well, the platform he used is Shopify. If you have an idea to...

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