Are users wincing at your site? There’s a way to know

David Darmanin, Hotjar, B2B, European Founder, International Founders, Marketing, SaaS (software as a service)

I can’t tell when a user is wincing while looking over my website. I can’t tell because I’m not in the room with that person.

Today’s guest created a set of tools that allows websites to understand how a user is experiencing a page.

He encountered a few failures before finally getting it right with his current business. We’ll find out about that and so much more in this interview.

David Darmanin is the founder of Hotjar, analytics and feedback tools that allow you to see how your site is being used.

David Darmanin


David Darmanin is the founder of Hotjar analytics and feedback tools that allow you to see how your site is being used.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses and I do it for an audience of real entrepreneurs. Joining me today is a person who’s followed my work here for a long time and I’m excited to have him on here. But before I tell you about his business I got to tell you about drinks that I had with my wife and I got to tell you, David, I think you’ll identify with this.

My wife and I went out to one of the fancy cocktail places here in San Francisco where they actually will not let you tell them what you want. You tell them what you’re into, they make you a specialty cocktail, you drink it. As soon as they put it in front of her, she made one of these . . . like she drank it and she made one of these faces. And immediately the guy saw that face and he realized, “You know what, this is not for you. I can make you another...

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