Would you take your product off store shelves to sell direct to consumer?

Paula Blankenship, Heirloom Traditions Paints, eCommerce, Non-Tech, Physical Product, Women Founders
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There’s a lot of talk about direct to consumer businesses, but as I walk through Target and other stores, I see what used to be direct to consumer products on the shelves. Like Harry’s, for example. They used to ship directly to you, that’s how they could give you such a low price, but now you could just walk through Target and pick it up.

Well, today’s guest did the opposite. She got into stores, she got all the attention and the legitimacy that comes with being in stores, and she said, “Actually, that doesn’t make sense. I’m taking my stuff off the shelves. I’m going direct to consumer.”

I invited her here to talk about how she’s doing it, why she’s doing it, and how she built her business.

Paula Blankenship is Founder of Heirloom Traditions Paints which is a paint with a built in bonding primer and built in wax.

Paula Blankenship

Paula Blankenship

Heirloom Traditions Paints

Paula Blankenship is Founder of Heirloom Traditions Paints which is a paint with a built in bonding primer and built in wax.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. Joining me is a woman who was making paint, something she has done for years. And she actually got her paint into stores. And there’s a lot of talk about direct to consumer businesses, but as I walk through Target and other stores, I see what used to be direct to consumer products on the shelves, like Harry’s. They used to be a direct to you, that’s how they could give you such a low price, but now, if you want to use Harry’s razors, you could just walk through Target and pick it up.

Well, today’s guest did the opposite. She got into stores, she got all the attention that you get and the legitimacy that apparently you get by being in stores, and she said, “Actually, that doesn’t make sense. I’m taking my stuff off the shelves. I’m going direct to...

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