Systemizing Will Liberate You – with Harold Mann

Harold Mann, Mann Consulting, Consulting, Hiring, Lifestyle Business, System
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We got into business because wanted to leave our marks on the world and have fun, but instead we’re dealing with the same issues over and over and over.

This program is about breaking free of that dulling repetition. You’ll learn how to systemize your work so it can be done without you. My goal is to liberate you from the mundane so you can have time to plot your next conquest.

To show us how to do it, I invited Harold Mann, the founder of Mann Consulting, a San Francisco-based IT firm that helps businesses systemize.

Harold Mann

Harold Mann

Mann Consulting

Harold Mann is the founder of Mann Consulting, a San Francisco-based IT firm that helps small businesses systemize.


Before we get started, this interview is sponsored by Fast Customer. Do you ever have a phone call, say, to your bank, but don’t want to wait on hold for half an hour until a real person gets on the phone? Well, with Fast Customer, you just do what I do. It’s right here on my iPhone, and I’ve had it since it launched. You just type in the person you want to reach. In my case, I’m going to go “Citibank Credit Card Support”. They will call them. They will get a person on the phone, and then they’ll connect me. I don’t have to press one or press zero, or do any of it, or wait on hold. I get to go back to work, and they call me when the person is available to talk to me. I do this with AAA, if I need to, and I did that a few weeks ago. I do this with Citibank, and with tons of companies. Any company you want to reach just about, is going to be in there. Go to, and get the app right now for your iPhone or Android...

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