How a bootstrapped software founder faked it until he made it (By secretly doing the work by hand) – with Guillermo Sanchez

Guillermo Sanchez, Publitas, B2B, Bootstrapping, Customer Acquisition, European Founder, International Founders, SaaS (software as a service), Subscription (Membership) Model

This is the story of a bootstrapped entrepreneur who built a multi-million dollar software company.

And how did it all start?

By secretly doing the work by hand while giving the impression that software was doing the work.

Guillermo Sanchez is the founder of which is a software company that enables retailers to drive conversion with online and mobile catalogs.

Guillermo Sanchez


Guillermo Sanchez is the founder of, a software company that enables retailers to drive conversion with online and mobile catalogs.


Andrew: Hey, there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I am the founder of which is, of course, home of the ambitious upstart and the place where over a thousand entrepreneurs have come to tell you the stories of how they built their businesses, break down the process of getting their first customers, their first idea, getting and building their businesses so that you can learn from them.

And hopefully, after you build your successful company, you’ll come back and do the same. Pass on to other people. And this is the story of a bootstrap entrepreneur who built a multimillion dollar software company. And how did it all start? By him secretly doing the work by hand that his software was supposed to be doing.

It’s called Concierge MVP, right, in the lean startup methodology. That’s what you’re going to find out about today. The entrepreneur’s name is Guillermo Sanchez. He is the founder of Publitas which is software...

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