How To Do Guerrilla Marketing On Twitter – with Marcus Nelson

Marcus Nelson, UserVoice, Customer Acquisition, PR / Media Marketing, Social Media
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Are you using Twitter to evangelize your startup? Marcus Nelson, co-founder of UserVoice, talks about how he uses Twitter to get new customers by being helpful. (This is part of an interview I posted before. I’m re-posting it to highlight this clip.)

Marcus Nelson

Marcus Nelson


Marcus Nelson is the co-founder of UserVoice, they provide Product Management & Customer Support Software to help companies harness their users feedback.

We do a lot of guerrilla marketing, jumping into the trenches and Twittering the heck out of ideas.

Twitter is a great example of open conversations that are out there and easy to find. You can use Twitter’s search too. I use TweetDeck where I can set up multiple columns for competitors or keywords.

“Customer feedback” is a phrase I search for. Or I can look up “Salesforce ideas.” Any time these are mentioned in other conversations. I can jump into that conversation and be a disruptor and say, “Hey, I that noticed you were looking at such-and-such. Here’s a link check out how we compare.” And I can send them to a blog post–that somebody else posted, not me. I can send them to somebody else’s post.

Or jump into conversation and say, “I noticed you were having trouble with this. Have you considered X.” And send them to something that we’re doing. We’re constantly trying to show people and expose people to other components of UserVoice that they may not have seen or even heard of. It doesn’t cost us anything to do it.

It’s just keeping your eyes open and being aware.

The full program includes:

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