Selling from the stage

Adrian Tobey, Groundhogg, B2B, Bootstrapping, Marketing, Mixergy Fan, SaaS (software as a service)

Joining me as a Mixergy listener whose numbers don’t exactly hit our minimum for revenue but when we heard his story we knew we had to bring it to the audience.

Adrian Tobey is the creator of Groundhogg, a CRM and marketing automation WordPress plugin.

We believe that Adrian Toby is going places in the way world. I consider us lucky to have him on here as a guest to talk about what he’s building.

Adrian Tobey


Adrian Tobey is the founder of Groundhogg, marketing automation for WordPress.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses.

Join me as a Mixergy listener, who, um, our team said, well, his numbers don’t exactly hit our minimum, uh, for revenue. But when we heard his story, we said, this is, this is a freaking interesting story. And then we saw the product. He’s a creator of Groundhog. And we said, how did nobody else create this? We believe that Adrian Toby is going places in the way world.

I consider us lucky to have him on here as a guest to talk about what he’s building. So Adrian Toby is the creator of Groundhog. It is a CRM and marketing automation, WordPress plugin. Basically what it does is if you know, infusion soft, It’s basically that inside of WordPress, if you know, um, I don’t even know if they’re calling in Infusionsoft name.

I think they’re calling QI...

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