Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters, my name is Andrew Warner. I am the founder of, the man who will not button two buttons up. I just realized it when I stretched my arms up, all of my chest-hair comes out. But that’s part of the fun of watching this interview, you get a show while you learn.
Mixergy, of course, is a site where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses so that you can learn from their successes, learn from their failures, learn from their experiences, go out there and build a successful company yourself, and hopefully, after you do that, you’ll come back here and do what today’s guest is doing which is share your story and pass it on.
Today’s guest is Grant Miller, the guy had a good job but he wanted to be an entrepreneur. So he worked nights and weekends at a co-working space looking and working on side projects, and that’s where he met his co- founder. He built a business with him...