How to get your offline business to grow beyond local

Andy Fossett, GMB Fitness, Marketing, Non-Tech, Scaling, Social Media
Get the whole interview here

I got an email from a listener in the audience who said she had a yoga studio and wanted to know how she could grow it. She wanted to know how to use online ads, and social media like Instagram.

My response to her was that maybe those platforms are hard to use for a reason. I thought her market was more limited to local advertising. I thought of her before recording this interview and here’s why.

Today’s guest built a company that took fitness online. And his cofounder started with a yoga studio!

So anyone in my audience who has a business in a fixed location can learn how to go online and grow beyond local.

Andy Fossett

Andy Fossett

GMB Fitness

Andy Fossett is the cofounder of GMB Fitness, which teaches people how to use their bodies better.

Andrew: Hey, everyone. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I’ve done over a thousand interviews with proven entrepreneurs.

And I get email from my audience all the time. Ideally I’d like to see everyone from my audience here in my office, 201 Mission Street if you’re listening to me. That’s where I happen to be this year. But second best is getting email.

And I got an email from a woman named Gina, who said that she’s associated with a yoga studio and she wants to know how to grow it using online ads and Instagram and social media and everything like that. My response to her was maybe those things are pretty hard to use for a reason. Maybe your market is kind of limited to local market and you want to think bigger, go beyond.

I thought about Gina when I sat down to do today’s interview. Today’s guest is cofounder of a company that took fitness online and then went beyond. His...

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