Would you refuse to launch with venture capital? – with Gleb Budman

Gleb Budman, Backblaze, Bootstrapping, Customer Acquisition, Funding, Hiring, Marketing

I first discovered today’s guest because he was doing something that just seemed crazy to me.

At the time his company did online backup, so it seemed natural that he would use one of the cloud storage systems that are available, like Amazon.

Instead of doing that, he created his own freaking hardware.

I remember thinking, “Isn’t this going to fail? What happens if he loses his data?”

Today it feels like all those questions that I had are gone. He’s proven.

Gleb Budman is the Co-Founder of Backblaze which offers the lowest cost cloud storage on the planet.

Gleb Budman


Gleb Budman is the Co-Founder of Backblaze which offers the lowest cost cloud storage on the planet.

Andrew: Hey, everyone. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy. By now you know Mixergy is the place where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses and I’ve got an audience of real business people, real entrepreneurs who listen to these interviews and often they code up their companies while they’re listening to these interviews. Other times they commute or run.

But the goal is to give you stories that will just be embedded in your brain, make you smarter so that when you’re ready to need the ideas from these entrepreneurs, they’re just there in your head and you can access them as naturally as you can your home address without having to write it down. You’ll just know it.

Joining me today is Gleb Budman. He is the cofounder of Backblaze. I first discovered this guy because just something that seemed a little crazy to me. Backblaze at the time did online backup. It seemed like a natural that if...

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