This Is How Growth Hacking Got Udemy To A $6 Mil Run Rate – with Gagan Biyani

Gagan Biyani, Udemy, Customer Acquisition, Educational Company, Marketing, Marketplace, Scaling

Hit play on this interview and you’ll see how a growth hacker figures out what product to create and finds customers who are willing to pay for it.

When Gagan Biyani cofounded Udemy he had no idea how to turn it into the multimillion dollar education marketplace that it is today. But in less than 3 years, he and his team did it. And he got so good at it that he’s now running the Growth Hacking Conference. So how did he do it? Like I said, hit play and you’ll learn his story.

Gagan Biyani

Gagan Biyani


Gagan Biyani was the co-founder of Udemy, a marketplace for online learning.


Andrew: Coming up, imagine you’re building an online education site, and you need to find the one topic that generates the most revenue. What topic would you say that is? I mean, really think about it. Put yourself in the entrepreneur’s shoes, who has to figure out what that topic is. What would you guess it is? You’ll get the answer for today’s guest in a moment. Also, if you were building a marketplace, and you had that usual chicken and egg problem; can’t get enough of this group of people unless you get enough of that group, but that group won’t come unless this group comes. You know, the standard problem. How would you solve it. Challenge yourself to think about that, to come up with your answer. And in a moment, you’re going to hear about the one partnership that solved it for today’s guest. Also, what do you think is the big no-brainer decision for a start-up entrepreneur? Today’s guest will tell you towards the end of...

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