How to make your content site addictive

Evan Varsamis, Gadget Flow, Content, Social Media, Traffic

There was a while where content sites were becoming less successful than SaaS and other platforms. Well, today’s guest created an addictive experience with a content site and turned it into a real business.

Evan Varsamis is the founder of The Gadget Flow which is a product discovery platform that helps you discover, save, and buy awesome products.

I want to find out it’s profitable and how he did it.

Evan Varsamis

Gadget Flow

Evan Varsamis is the founder of The Gadget Flow which is a product discovery platform that helps you discover, save, and buy awesome products.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses for an audience of very ambitious listeners. And if you listen to my interviews over the years, you might notice that in the early days, I did a lot of interviews with entrepreneurs who had content-based businesses. They had these blogs, they had these . . . Actually, basically, it was mostly blogs, and they did pretty well. And then it all became SaaS, and then it started become a little bit of mobile apps and then more mobile apps, and then e-commerce started creeping, but the content sites started go away.

The content sites, frankly, started having such a hard time online that they weren’t doing well enough for me to interview them. And then I discovered today’s guest. Today’s guest is Evan Varsamis. He runs a site called Gadget Flow. Gadget Flow is for gadget lovers like me. It’s...

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