Andrew: Before we get started, I wanna tell why I keep urging you to use KissInsights. Haven’t you noticed that one of the big ideas that keeps coming up in my interviews is the need to ask your customers and users what they want instead of imagining that you know? Now, when you add a survey to your website isn’t it true that hardly anyone filled out your survey? And people who do fill it out aren’t necessarily your typical users? Well, what KissInsights does is give you surveys that are so easy to fill out that your users will actually complete them. Here’s a screenshot of how I use Kiss Insights. You can use it for free, right now. Just go to
Next thing I wanna show you is the phone number at the top of When you have trouble with your email and it’s costing your business both money and reputation, how frustrating is it? Well, who can you call at those moments? If you use dnaemail, you’ll have a phone...