Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses.
I’ve never been a cynic, but I think somehow being bombarded with people who asked me to be on Mixergy has made me a little bit cynical. I keep going through and saying, “Well, do you really have it? Is this guy really telling the truth? Am I being snowed?”
I bring all that up, because back in . . . when was that? 2015, four years ago, I interviewed a guy named Ryan Levesque, and I remember before the interview saying, “You’re a nice guy, I’ve known you, but tell me about your business. Where are you exactly?” And I grilled him before we did the interview.
And he was an author who was really proud of the fact that he had this new book coming out. It’s called, “Ask.” And he told me how he wanted to make the book into a hit, and I think...