An uncomfortably revealing interview with John Lee Dumas of EOFire (Live from Podcasters Paradise)

John Lee Dumas, Freedom Journal, Customer Acquisition, Mental Game, Outsourcing, System
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There’s something new about today’s interview. It was done live on a boat during a Podcasters Paradise Cruise.

I was interviewing the host of the event, John Lee Dumas. It was supposed to be a pre-interview for something I would eventually record on Mixergy, but…

I asked John to reveal stuff that most people wouldn’t feel comfortable revealing about his relationship, about his mentor, about me, frankly. It was so uncomfortable and we captured it on tape.

I knew if we tried to reproduce that magic, it would never happen again. So I had to publish it as it is. That’s what you’re about to watch.

John Lee Dumas is the creator and founder of Entrepreneurs On Fire. He is also the creator of the Freedom Journal, a way for you to get clear on your goals and to hold yourself accountable as you achieve those goals.

John Lee Dumas

Freedom Journal

John Lee Dumas is the creator and founder of Entrepreneurs On Fire. He is also the creator of the Freedom Journal, a way for you to get clear on your goals and to hold yourself accountable as you achieve those goals.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of It is home of the ambitious upstart, but frankly, you know that by now because I’ve done over 1,000 interviews here on Mixergy and you’ve heard me say that intro over 1,000 times.

But there’s something new about today’s interview. It was done live on a boat in the middle of–I don’t remember where we were at the time. It was on Podcasters Paradise Cruise. I was interviewing the host, John Lee Dumas, at the event. It was initially supposed to be a pre-interview for something I would eventually record on Mixergy, but I could see that there were a few times when I asked John questions that were not a little challenging, a lot challenging.

I asked him basically to reveal stuff that most people wouldn’t feel comfortable revealing about his relationship, about his mentor, about me, frankly. It was so uncomfortable that I love...

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