Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. I actually, this is too early for me to say, but dude Taylor, I freaking wrote a book. You don’t many times over the years of Mixergy, I’ve said, I want to write a book.
I’m in the process. Didn’t happen. I sat down, over COVID and I frickin wrote it, but it was, it was tough. And the reason that it was tough is because I’m not a sit still person. I’m great at going out and talking to people. I’m great at like pushing myself to do more with my inner energy. I’m not great at just sitting still and quietly working by myself.
I even tried to hire somebody to just sit and write with me, tried to hire someone to write for me. I didn’t like their writing. Writing with me was a little too awkward. Anyway, I finally found an answer. Number one. Has nothing...