Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs who constantly surprise me about how well they’re doing with their businesses. And today’s guest more than most. I had this whole thing in mind. I’ve known Trent Dyrsmid not super well but I’ve known him for years. He’s a guy who’s had a podcast. And so because of the podcast, I’ve gotten to know him. He’s been on my podcast and because of that, I gotten to know him. And I had a sense of what we were going to talk about today was how he got into Amazon reselling. And like a lot of people at Amazon, he kind of got slaughtered, eventually, slowly, didn’t even feel it.
And then I thought what he was going to say was, “But, Andrew, I’m back and I’ve got this new software called Flowster. It’s brand new and one day it’s going to make money. And so I’m going to...