$80M ARR by year two??!?

Jeff Sawyer Lee, FitTrack

Today’s guest is someone who got $250K in credit card debt while trying to build his first business.

In this interview, you’ll hear how his stubbornness got him out of that situation and into back-to-back multi-million dollar e-commerce businesses.

Today, Jeff Sawyer Lee is the founder of FitTrack, a simple solution to help you gain insight into your health.

Jeff Sawyer Lee


Jeff Lee is the founder of FitTrack, a simple solution to help you gain insight into your health.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. Today’s guest is me away. I had no idea. So, you know, you go to Amazon and you say, I need a scale. And. Most skills are pretty dumb. They just tell you how much you weigh, but we’re kind of techie.

So we want that data to go into our phones. And so they’re smart scales that will take your data and they’ll send it to your phones. And if you search on Amazon, you’ll see the top. If not the top, one of the top ranked smart scales is created by fit track. And it’s more expensive than some of the cheaper ones.

Like 25 bucks is way where a lot of them land. This is 75 bucks. And it’s got phenomenal ratings over 6,000 ratings, four and a half plus, but what I’m getting at is I see that people like it. I see that it’s that it sells well. I had no idea...

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