Andrew:Hey there, freedom fighters. It’s Andrew Warner, founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. And last year, I was invited to something called Fireside Conf. Basically, no internet, no distractions, no nothing, you’re just on this camp ground that one of the hosts of the conference, Steven Pulver, went to every year when he was a kid, and he loved it so much. And he brought a bunch of entrepreneurs together to experience it, and I came in as a speaker and as an interviewer.
And I didn’t think I’d ever get to publish this interview from the event because the person I interviewed was Jeff Pulver, the conference’s cousin. And the questions that I asked were pretty freaking rude to be honest with you, and I didn’t record it myself, and I thought that when I didn’t get the copy of the recording that Steven was basically saying, “Screw you, Andrew. What are you doing to my...