Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs, who changed the world. And I know this sounds like it’s a ridiculous thing to say, but man, we’ve seen it right in tech specifically, your local dry cleaner is not changing the world.
It’s not entrepreneurship in general is changing the world, but we have an opportunity with what we’ve learned in tech to have a big impact on the world. One of the things that you might have heard me complain about is that my kid’s school was closed and we’ve been looking for solutions. One of the things that we did was we signed him up for multiple schools.
Um, just trying to see what’s going to open up what makes sense. And one of them, I guess I shouldn’t say the name of the school, um, in the podcast, but one of them opened up this private school and they said, look, we have a few things that we need to...