Andrew: They’re freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. And yeah. Um, I know that is not what and why people listen to my interviews, but I love when entrepreneurs talk about their biggest freak and failures.
I love it. And I’ll tell you why. I think that I was born with this idea that I was going to make it. I, I believe that God thought that I was going to make it from an early age. And the problem with that, it’s a benefit I wish everybody had because there’s a sense of invincibility and possibilities that you’re born with, that you grow up with.
I have to this day, every moment of my life, the challenge with that is when there is a big negative setback. It just like this doesn’t compute, what did I get everything wrong? Going back to my old childhood perception of myself, or is this is something going on the lawn here?...