The restaurant upstart doing so well I had to interview the founder

Jeff Fenster, Everbowl, Food, Marketing, Non-Tech

Joining me is Jeff Fenster. Jeff is the founder of Everbowl, a chain of smoothie restaurants.

He’s someone who started in the digital marketing space. He was a friend of Neil Patel and worked with him.

I want to know how he moved from digital marketing to having physical stores.

Jeff Fenster


Jeff Fenster is the founder of Everbowl which is a chain of smoothie restaurants.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. And if I don’t give you a little bit of an intro, you’re going to say, “What is this guy doing here?” Joining me is Jeff Fenster. He is the founder of Everbowl. They make crafts, superfoods, and they’ve got the chain of restaurants that is just expanding and expanding. What it means is it’s a bowl, right?

Jeff: It’s a bowl. Yeah, it’s a bowl.

Andrew: What’s in the bowl? I know I could make my own but what’s in a bowl?

Jeff: Acai, pitaya.

Andrew: That’s how you pronounce it? Acai?

Jeff: Yeah, like acai, what you did there.

Andrew: Okay. All right. So it’s acai and what else?

Jeff: Pitaya.

Andrew: What’s that?

Jeff: That’s the pink flesh of dragon fruit.


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