Beat the GMAT: Why You Don’t Have To Be An Expert – with Eric Bahn

Eric Bahn, BeattheGMAT, Bootstrapping, Content, Educational Company, Mixergy Fan, Sell Your Business

I have to tell you very, very openly sometimes when I watch people build multi-million dollar businesses online by teaching there is a part of me that says, “Maybe I should do it”. But then there’s another part of me that just pops in that goes, “Who are you to teach anything, you’re not the world’s expert. There’s someone else that’s so much better than you.”

And usually at that point there’s a vision of that someone else that comes into my mind. And so I hesitate. Do you ever feel that way? If you do, I think this interview will be especially helpful to you because of the process that today’s guest took to build his company.

Eric Bahn founded BeattheGMAT, a site that helps people prep for the GMAT. Before he ever took the GMAT he launched his business. He did it as a way of talking publicly and being held accountable as he learned and prepped for his test. Throughout that process and afterwards he bootstrapped and sold a profitable business. I invited him here to talk about how he did it.

Eric Bahn


Eric Bahn is the founder of BeattheGMAT, a site that helps people prep for the test.


Andrew: Two messages before we get started. First, based on what you’re about to hear in this interview. If you ever find yourself saying, “I would like to do interviews like Andrew does”, well then I’m going to tell you I want to help. All you have to do is go to any page on Mixergy and just like this, type in interview your heroes and you’ll be taken to this page which has a video of the course where I teach my process in detail.

On this page you’ll also see scripts that I use to recruit guests and so much more that can help you. All you have to do is go to and you’ll see it there.

Second, this interview is sponsored like just about every other interview on Mixergy by Scott Edward Walker of Walker Corporate Law. Scott is a lawyer that has helped out the startup community for years. I’ve known him for years, but you do not have to take my word for it. You can just scroll down on his web page and...

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