How Gizmodo creator Peter Rojas left to launch Engadget with Jason Calacanis

Peter Rojas, Engadget, Content, Sell Your Business

There was a period where I was turning my back on technoloIy, on the internet and I just felt like, “Ah, who cares?” I was living in Venice Beach and just enjoying life.

Then I started reading these gadget blogs. Engadget was my favorite. I couldn’t stop hitting refresh on the page waiting for the next article to come up.

Engadget was a blog that taught me about podcasting. Yeah, podcasting I learned about on Engadget. Well, that got me into Gizmodo and a bunch of other things and they brought me back into tech.

Today I have the founder of that blog. His name is Peter Rojas. He went on to cofound GDGT in 2009 and sold both companies to AOL. I’m glad to have him on here at Mixergy.

Peter Rojas


Peter Rojas was co-founder of GDGT, a venture-backed social commerce startup.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of It is home of the ambitious upstart.

I’m really excited about today’s guest because there was a period there where I was just turning my back on technology, on the internet, on everything and I just felt like, “Ah, who cares?” I was living in Venice Beach and just enjoying life. And then I started reading these gadget blogs. Engadget was my favorite. I couldn’t stop hitting refresh on the page waiting for the next article to come up. I had one of the old smartphones and I would check it constantly on the old 3G or pre-3G internet connection.

Engadget was it for me. And then that got me into Gizmodo and a bunch of other things and I brought me back into tech. And the founder of that blog is here with me today and man, I’ve been so excited to talk to him that I actually said to him, “No pre-interview. Let’s get to talk...

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