Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of It is home of the ambitious upstart.
I’m really excited about today’s guest because there was a period there where I was just turning my back on technology, on the internet, on everything and I just felt like, “Ah, who cares?” I was living in Venice Beach and just enjoying life. And then I started reading these gadget blogs. Engadget was my favorite. I couldn’t stop hitting refresh on the page waiting for the next article to come up. I had one of the old smartphones and I would check it constantly on the old 3G or pre-3G internet connection.
Engadget was it for me. And then that got me into Gizmodo and a bunch of other things and I brought me back into tech. And the founder of that blog is here with me today and man, I’ve been so excited to talk to him that I actually said to him, “No pre-interview. Let’s get to talk...